Chemistry 1st Year Guess Paper 2018 Punjab Board
Chemistry 1st Year Guess Paper 2018:
Chemistry 1st-year examination is coming soon. And all the 1st year students are preparing their exams to get the high marks in 1st year exams. So today here I am going to upload Chemistry 1st year Guess Paper for 1st-year students. This guess paper will help them to prepare Chemistry paper more correctly and I hope they will get the high grades in Chemistry 1st yearpaper. You can also check Chemistry 1st-year Paper Scheme. This Paper Schemewill also help you out 🙂
Guess Paper Inter Part 1 – Chemistry – Most Important Long Questions
1. (a). Give postulates of Bohr’s atomic model. Also describe defects of Bohr’s atomic model. Derive the equation for the radius for nth orbit of hydrogen atom using Bohr’s model.
(b). Give two statements of Raoult’s law. State different forms of Raoult’s law. Also differentiate b/w ideal and non-deal solutions. Also explain the fractional distillation of ideal mixture of two liquids
(b). Give two statements of Raoult’s law. State different forms of Raoult’s law. Also differentiate b/w ideal and non-deal solutions. Also explain the fractional distillation of ideal mixture of two liquids
2. (a). What is order of reaction? Explain various methods for finding order of reaction. Describe how the rate of a reaction can be measured by a chemical method?
(b). Describe Arrhenius equation. Explain the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction with the help of Arrhenius Equation. Also describe how Arrhenius equation helps us to calculate the energy of activation of a reaction.
(b). Describe Arrhenius equation. Explain the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction with the help of Arrhenius Equation. Also describe how Arrhenius equation helps us to calculate the energy of activation of a reaction.
3. (a). Give graphical explanation for elevation of boiling point of a solution by Landsberger’s Method and derive an equation. What is the effect of the boiling point on external pressure? Why the temperature of liquid remains at boiling point although heat is continuously supplied.
(b). What is the difference b/w single electrode potential and standard electrode potential? Explain the measurement of electrode potential with the help of Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE). Also describe the construction of voltaic cell and reaction occurring in the cell.
(b). What is the difference b/w single electrode potential and standard electrode potential? Explain the measurement of electrode potential with the help of Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE). Also describe the construction of voltaic cell and reaction occurring in the cell.
4. (a). Define vapour pressure. Describe the measurement of vapour pressure by monometric method.
(b). Describe Dalton’s law of partial pressure. Write its applications.
(b). Describe Dalton’s law of partial pressure. Write its applications.
5. (a). Describe Milikan’s oil drop method for determination of charge of electron. OR How the charge on electron was measured by oil drop method?
(b). State and explain first law of thermodynamics. OR Prove that H=qv
(b). State and explain first law of thermodynamics. OR Prove that H=qv
6. (a). Classify solids on the basis of binding. Define ionic solids. How ionic solids are formed? Give properties of ionic solids?
(b). What is orbital/atomic hybridization? Give its advantages Discuss SP2 hybridization with example. Explain bonding and structure of ethene (CH) on the basis of hybridization? Explain the geometry of NH3 and H20 by hybridization.
(b). What is orbital/atomic hybridization? Give its advantages Discuss SP2 hybridization with example. Explain bonding and structure of ethene (CH) on the basis of hybridization? Explain the geometry of NH3 and H20 by hybridization.
7. (a). Write main postulates of VSEPR theory. Give salient features of this theory. Also explain the structure of NH3 and H20 on the basis of this theory.
(b). Explain half life method for determining order of reaction.
(b). Explain half life method for determining order of reaction.
8. (a). Explain Enthalpy and prove that f= qe
(b). State and explain with an example, the Hess’s law of constant heat summation.
(b). State and explain with an example, the Hess’s law of constant heat summation.
9. (a). Calculate the pH of buffer solution in which……(Unit 8)
(b). The solubility of PbF2 at 25c…..(Unit 8)
(b). The solubility of PbF2 at 25c…..(Unit 8)
10. (a). Give the basis of the molecular orbital theory and explain the paramagnetic character of O2 molecule on the basis of Molecular Orbital Theory (M.O.T)?
(b). Differentiate b/w homogeneous & heterogeneous catalyst with examples.
(b). Differentiate b/w homogeneous & heterogeneous catalyst with examples.
11. (a). What are molecular solids? Give their properties.
(b). State and explain Graham’s law of diffusion from kinetic molecular theory of gases. Also give its experimental verification.
(b). State and explain Graham’s law of diffusion from kinetic molecular theory of gases. Also give its experimental verification.
[9:23 AM, 5/31/2018] +92 315 9090100: GUESS FIRST YEAR CHEMISTRY:
[9:23 AM, 5/31/2018] +92 315 9090100: GUESS FIRST YEAR CHEMISTRY:
CHAP 1: Example Numericals 3, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14 Chap.2 sublimation, crystallisation, Rf value
Measurement vapour pressure manometric method.hydrogen bonding, Structure of NaCl, Properties metallic solids.
General gas equation,daltons law of partial pressure, postulates of kinetic molecular theory,
Millikan oil drop methpd,wave particle nature of material particles. bohr atomic theory, X-rays atomic number, quantum numbers.
VSEPR theory, ,hydridization. Molecular orbiters theory with example of N2 and O2. Ionization energy.
Prove that i) <>H=qp, bomb calorimeter.born haber cycle
Raoult law,Measurement elevation boiling point by landsberger method,freezing point depression beckmann method,solubility curves
Oxidation no method
HI + H2SO4—> I2 +SO2+H2O.
Lead accumulator.
electrochemical series
Example Numericals 4,5,6 Exercise 22, 24, 25
Order reaction with example,method finding Order reaction,catalysis types. Energy of activation
Measurement vapour pressure manometric method.hydrogen bonding, Structure of NaCl, Properties metallic solids.
General gas equation,daltons law of partial pressure, postulates of kinetic molecular theory,
Millikan oil drop methpd,wave particle nature of material particles. bohr atomic theory, X-rays atomic number, quantum numbers.
VSEPR theory, ,hydridization. Molecular orbiters theory with example of N2 and O2. Ionization energy.
Prove that i) <>H=qp, bomb calorimeter.born haber cycle
Raoult law,Measurement elevation boiling point by landsberger method,freezing point depression beckmann method,solubility curves
Oxidation no method
HI + H2SO4—> I2 +SO2+H2O.
Lead accumulator.
electrochemical series
Example Numericals 4,5,6 Exercise 22, 24, 25
Order reaction with example,method finding Order reaction,catalysis types. Energy of activation
Source: FSC Online