F.Sc (1st Year) Biology Chapter Wise Short Questions Answers - Education Zune

The students of F.Sc first year (class xi) medical read the biology book in their 2-year duration which has been published by punjab textbook board lahore. This book is used in all other boards of punjab (i.e. bise Lahore, Multan, Sargodha, Bahawalpur, Sahiwal, Gujranwala, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, DG Khan, Federal boards etc). Biology is an important subject for hssc-i or inter f.sc ics (part 1) medical students. Moreover, it has fourteen chapters. you can view the Solution (Notes) on our website. We have tried our best to reduce the error facts while editing and preparing these easy notes for you if you find any damage link, kindly inform us by commenting below the notes.

Biology F.Sc Part 1st (Helping Notes)

Chapter No. 1 : Biology and its Major Fields of Specialization

In this chapter we will read define biological control with an example, or what is biological control of pests, write down important features of a good theory, what is deductive reasoning give examples, define population and give its examples, write names of four eras of geological time chart, differentiate between biopesticides and biological control, name a technique of food preservation, what is hydroponic culture technique give its uses / importance, why hydroponic farming is not yet feasible, who may use hydroponic culture technique, name the methods by which various diseases are controlled, how does hepatitis spread, from which word evolved the present term vaccination and vaccine.

Notes for Chapter no. 1 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 2 : Biological Molecules

In this chapter we will read cellulose is digested by the herbivores but not by humans. why, why lipids store double the amount of energy as compared to the same amount of any carbohydrate, what are different classes of lipids or classify lipids, what are acylglycerols, differentiate between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. give examples, how fatty acids of animals differ from those of plants, give the characters of globular proteins, or what are globular proteins, from which cells nucleic acids were isolated, why nucleic acids are give that name, how many types of nucleic acids are there, what is the effect of room temperature on fats.

Notes for Chapter no. 2 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 3 : Enzymes

In this chapter we will read energy of activation, characteristics of enzyme, why competitive inhibitors are unable to make product, differentiate between activator and prosthetic group, write basic difference between lock and key model, and induced fit model of enzyme action, why enzymes are denatured at high temperature, differentiate between apoenzyme and prosthetic group, how does low and high temperature affect enzyme activities or write the effect of temperature on enzyme action, differentiate between apoenzyme and holoenzyme, write down any four characteristics of enzymes, describe. lock and key model of enzyme action or what do you know about lock and key model, at high substrate concentration, rate of reaction does not increase give reason.

Notes for Chapter no. 3 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 4 : The Cell

In this chapter we will read what are chloroplasts, what are the main components of chloroplasts seen under electron microscope, how grana are interconnected or what do you know about intergranum, what is the shape of nucleus, when nucleus of the cell is visible, what is the composition of primary wall, what is the cause of tay-sach’s disease, with which enzymes peroxisomes are enriched, how does the central atom of chlorophyll and haem differ, what do you mean by multinucleate cells, what did schwann and schleiden find about the parts of cell, how louis pasteur (1862) supplied experimental proof for virchow’s hypothesis, what is the functional difference among sclerenchymatous, chlorenchymatous and parenchymatous cells, what are storage diseases name two storage diseases in man.

Notes for Chapter no. 4 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 5 : Variety of Life

In this chapter we will read how many types of life-cycles, have been observed in bacteriophages, when filterable agents were first purified, what is the scientific name for onion, amaltas and man, what is the size of viruses, what is lysozyme, what is the difference between kingdom plantae and fungi, how many times viruses are smaller than bacteria, differentiate between capsid and capsomeres, what is the shape of head of bacteriophage, how hepatitis is transmitted, what are oncoviruses or retroviruses give examples, differentiate between retroviruses and bacteriophage, why some biologists found two kingdom system of classification unworkable.

Notes for Chapter no. 5 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 6 : Kingdom Monera

In this chapter we will read what temperatures are used to sterilize food and milk, what are disinfectants or what chemical agents are used for disinfection, what chemical methods or substances are used for natural defence or in living tissues, what methods of prevention and treatment have been introduced to control microbial diseases, what were called vaccine and vaccination by pasteur, how cell walls of archaeobacteria are different from eubacteria, what are nucleoid or define nucloeoid, what do you know about the spores of bacteria, how gram staining technique make difference between gram positive and gram negative bacteria. or what are gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

Notes for Chapter no. 6 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 7 : Kingdom Protoctista or Protista

In this chapter we will read differentiate between diatoms and dinoflagellates, what are dinoflagellates or write down two characteristics of dinoflagellates, on what principle protists are grouped together, name two plant-like protists groups, what kind of photosynthetic pigments are found in plants and algae, what types of pigments are found in rhodophyta and chlorophyta, justify that euglenoids are close to zooflagellates, give scientific name of plasmodial slime mold. give its importance, give characters of oomycotes or what are water molds, write two characters of zooflagellates, or give the examples, form and mode of locomotion in zooflagellates or what are zooflagellates, give two examples each of the following: green algae (chlorophyta), red algae (rhodophyta), and brown algae (phaeophyta).

Notes for Chapter no. 7 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 8 : Kingdom Fungi

In this chapter we will read name some edible fungi, what is the function of constricting ring, what is economic importance of fungi, differentiate between fragmentation and budding, what is reindeer moss, where fungi are used in food industry give two example, what is the importance of aspergillus in food industry, name 5 antibiotics (drugs) obtained from fungi, what are ringworm and athlete’s foot, what is candidiasis or candidosis, what is aspergillosis, what is histoplasmosis, discuss sexual reproduction in rhizopus or how does sexual reproduction occur in zygomycota, name sexual and asexual spores of ascomycetes, what is ergotism how it is caused or give the cause and symptoms of ergotism, what types of damages are caused by saprobic fungi, what is the importance of mycorrhizae for plants.

Notes for Chapter no. 8 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 9 : Kingdom Plantae

In this chapter we will read how antheridia and archegonia of adiantum differ from each other, what are ornamental plants of fabaceae, how many genera and species of caesalpiniaceae are known, what are familiar plants of family caesalpiniaceae, give vegetative characters of caesalpiniaceae, what is inflorescence and type of flower in caesalpiniaceae, what type of calyx and corolla are found in caesalpiniaceae, what type androecium and gynoecium are present in caesalpiniaceae, define the following: seed, ovule and integuments, what are spermatocytes, what is embryo sac, which plants of fabaceae are important for medicines, the seeds of which plant are used by jewellers, as weights, what type of placentation and fruit is found in caesalpiniaceae, what are ornamental plants of caesalpiniaceae or write scientific name of kachnar and amaltas.

Notes for Chapter no. 9 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 10 : Kingdom Animalia

In this chapter we will read how insects damage fruits and crops, how insects are beneficial to man or give beneficial effects of insects. or write note on useful insects, what is radula or what do you know about radula, name classes of phylum mollusca, give examples of class gastropoda, or with two examples discuss class gastropoda or what are gastropods, give examples of class bivalvia (pelecypoda), or write characters and examples of class bivalvia, give examples of parasitic platyhelminthes, how reproduction occurs in platyhelminthes, why arthropods are believed to have common origin with annelids, what are malpighian tubules, how respiration or exchange of gases occurs in arthropods, explain or what is term metameric segmentation.

Notes for Chapter no. 10 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 11 : Bioenergetic

In this chapter we will read name the phases of calvin-benson cycle, define redox potential, differentiate between photolysis and glycolysis, how many phases calvin cycle can be divided into, rup and rubp stands for what, name the most common fuel used by the cell to provide energy by cellular respiration, what is respiratory chain, which oxidation reduction substances take part in respiratory chain, define chemiosmosis or what is chemiosmosis, what are the products of light reaction, name the process which acts as energy capturing and energy releasing, what is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration, how much energy is released by anaerobic respiration (or alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation), what is atp or give importance of atp.

Notes for Chapter no. 11 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 12 : Nutrition

In this chapter we will read what are the main functions of the oral cavity or give oral cavity, what is the role of tongue in digestion in oral cavity, how grinding or mastication of food is useful, what is saliva what are ingredients of saliva or what is composition of saliva, give their role or what is ph and composition of saliva, what is ptyalin or amylase, what is bile give its function, what damage is caused by cholesterol, secreted by the liver or what are gall stones mention their effect, what are villi, what is the difference or differentiate between appendix and appendicitis or what is appendicitis, how does ingestion occur in hydra, how does planaria capture its prey, where is partly digested food stored in cockroach.

Notes for Chapter no. 12 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 13 : Gaseous Exchange

In this chapter we will read in human being what is the total inside capacity of lungs when fully inflated, what is the residual volume of lungs, what are two properties of a respiratory surface or write four properties of respiratory surface, how does gaseous exchange occur in frog, what is diving reflex in cetaceans, differentiate between respiration and breathing, write gaseous exchange in plants, what is rubisco give its function, what products are produced during photorespiration, differentiate between respiration and photorespiration, how expiration occur in man, write down three factors which affect the capacity of haemoglobin to combine with oxygen.

Notes for Chapter no. 13 (Pdf Online / Download)

Chapter No. 14 : Transport

In this chapter we will read what is haemorrhage give its effects, what are the major components of lymphatic system, what is lymph, where is lymphatic system linked with blood circulatory system, what are lymph nodes, where are lymph nodes present, name some lymphoid masses, what is the life span of erythrocytes (rbc), what is the function of monocytes and nuetrophils, what is the function of macrophages and nuetrophils, what is the function of eosinophils, account for the functions of plasma proteins, or name the proteins present in blood plasma. give their functions, name the mammals having nucleated rbc.

Notes for Chapter no. 14 (Pdf Online / Download)

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